Thursday, July 15, 2010

God-sent gifts

They said children are God-sent gifts. So is true! I lead a hectic and stressful life. Other than meeting great customers, nasty people and disappointments are also part and parcel of my business. So to relax, nothing beats spending an unhurried quiet evening with G. :) Other than that, my daily de-stress during weekdays is to spend time with my nephew (2 yrs old) and niece (1 yr old).

Whenever I reach home every night, my newphew and niece will shout out "yee yee"(aunt) in unison and start running to me for "bao bao" (hugs). Really melts my heart and makes me forget all tiredness. Usually I will feed bubu milk and put him to bed. Now he is really getting more active and it takes 45 minutes now before he finally drifts to lala land. Bubu has good motor skills but does not recite complete sentences yet which makes my sister very worried. But I will spend night time singing his favourite nursery rhymes till I "start to get sore throat sometimes". And surprisingly today he started singing with me! First he started singing the first and last word then he started singing twinkle twinkle little star..And I called him clever boy. Really happy. I felt something so simple was the best gift of all. :)