Monday, July 12, 2010

The power of Thomas Wee

I like to congratulate my mentor Thomas Wee from the bottom of my heart. I hold him in high esteem. He is the first designer to be featured on the cover of Urban and given a 2 page story on his comeback at Tangs. No other celebrity and designer has enjoyed this exclusive status. (Though we have been featured twice on the cover of The Star Malaysia - the equivalent of Straits Times here. Hee..)But he is worthy of it afterall. Having started in the 80s and still spot on and relevant fashion sense at his age now, he is worthy to be called the Godfather of local fashion. At 61 where most people are retiring, he still works more than 18 hours and his energy puts people half his age to shame. The editor compared his impeccable tailoring and acute fashion sense to international famous designers.

From the times I know him, I know he has planned for his Tangs Collection for a long time. Boy! I saw how he worked. When I first knew I was assigned him as mentor, I was a bit apprehensive. Because many designers told me he is stern and caustic and temperamental. Well..he is. BUT I have never seen a designer who is so enthusiastic and unselfish about imparting his skills to the next generation. Through his "frank to the bone" comments, it make me learn and saw my mistakes. I think I was "revamped" under him. Many people do not know the pain and hardship designers go through before putting out a collection. Alot of thinking goes through from the sketches to the sampling.

Recently, I met a rude man who came with his partner to my Parco outlet. His partner was keen on my golden duchess satin cardi but upon seeing the price tag, he said " Singapore designer ah". I don't know what he meant by this. Did he mean to say it is not worthwhile to pay for local designs?? In many countries like Australia and Japan, local designers are more expensive because they insist on using their cottage industries and premium materials instead of putting production to third world countries. And these designers are supported by the local consumers.

I hope as Singapore evolves, more people will appreciate, support and be proud of local designers. Because I believe this is an essential step to becoming a cultured city.